Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Art by Aurora

In art we are doing water colour.Mrs Olsen is our art teacher.We are learning to draw landscape.I like to experience with colours.When you start you would want to cover you're working space with newspaper because it can get quite messy.While drawing the landscape I enjoy every minute and second.I study my picture hard first then hold up my paint brush and painted my picture.Taking my time I paint slowly across the page trying to not make a mess.Being very careful with every line\dot my paint brush makes.I finally finished my painting.We are inspired by Grahame Sydeney.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Music by Aurora

In music we have been writing songs.Mr Dickinson-Cole suggested that we should write about an imaginary space mission.So we did.First we did our own brainstorm.After we chose five keywords from our brainstorm and made a line\sentence.After that we chose three of the line\sentence and wrote three more lines to go with each one to make a verse.Then we wrote a chorus(Two sentences about what you really want to say).when we finished it hum a tune for your chorus and a different one for your verses.Record your song and your finished!